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How to Tell If a Tree is in Danger of Falling?

Trees provide important benefits to our homes and cities, but they are also a liability because they can fall and damage property or injure people. Knowing and preventing the risks of trees will make your property safer. Regular tree maintenance will help identify those that are a risk. Once the danger is recognized, certain steps must be taken to reduce the possibility of the tree falling and injuring someone.

Take into consideration the following points:

  • There are large dead branches on the tree
  • The tree has cavities or rotten wood in the trunk.
  • Fungi at the base of the tree
  • There are cracks in the trunk or at the junctions of the branches.
  • The trunk has developed a marked inclination.


Our arborists can help you determine which trees on your property are safe and which should be removed. If your tree represents a risk we will provide you with courses of action that can help you prevent a potential disaster, from pruning dead branches to complete tree removal, let our experts take steps to help protect your family, and property to give you peace of mind. absolute. Don’t ignore your dangerous trees call today to schedule your appointment.

Lumberjacks How to Tell If a Tree is in Danger of Falling? https://mylumberjacks.com

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